
consumer credit 分期付款銷售(法);給予分期付款購買者的信貸。

consumer strike

Consumer credit is becoming a new profit driver in the development of china ' s banking industry 消費信貸正在逐漸成為我國銀行業發展的一個新的利潤增長點。

However , much improvement is still required in the development of consumer credit business in china 然而目前該項業務在國內的開展還有很多不完善的地方。

Pco announced that amendments to the code of practice on consumer credit data were approved 私隱專員公署公布已核準《個人信貸資料實務守則》的修訂事項。

For example , he is looking into proposed amendments to the code on consumer credit 舉例來說,他對《個人信貸資料實務守則》的一些修訂建議作出了研究。

With consumer credit data sharing , there is much sharper community focus on the privacy concerns 在共用個人信貸資料方面,社會人士比較關注私隱問題。

From that day onwards , the usage of consumer credit data is governed by the revised code 由該日開始,個人信貸資料的使用受到守則修訂本所規管。

The comparative analysis of the application of several scoring models of consumer credit in china 多種個人信用評分模型在中國應用的比較研究

On america ' s consumer credit and development of the consumer credit market in our country 美國消費信貸的經驗分析與我國消費信貸市場的發展

The maximum borrowing limit of a petty consumer credit is temporarily set at rmb100 , 000 小額信用消費貸款的最高限額暫定為10萬元人民幣。

Guideline on the sharing and use of consumer credit data through a credit reference agency 透過信貸資料服務機構共用個人信貸資料的指引

Analysis of consumer demand changes and consumer credit characteristics and suggestions 我區消費需求變動與消費信貸特點分析及建議

Consumer protection in the banking sector and sharing of positive consumer credit data 銀行業的消費者保障及共用正面個人信貸資料

Ic - 6 the sharing and use of consumer credit data through a credit reference agency Ic - 6透過信貸資料服務機構共用個人信貸資料

Luckily , consumer credit reports are translated into easy - to - read formats 幸運的是,消費者的信貸報告轉化成通俗易懂的形式。

Frequently asked questions on the proposal on sharing of positive consumer credit data 常見問題:分享正面個人信貸資料的建議

Consumer credit act 德國消費者信用法

Strategic thinkings on the development of personal consumer credit services of abc 發展農業銀行個人消費信貸業務的戰略思考

Risk control and risk prevention of consumer credit in american commercial banks 美國商業銀行消費信貸的風險控制與防范

Unequal information and analysis of consumer credit of supply and demand deficency 信息不完全與消費信貸供求不足分析